Saturday, 24 February 2007

Across the North - Launceston

Still on the first day, after taking in the sights of Stanley and the North-west of Tasmania, we headed east to Launceston for an overnight stay.

Launceston is a very nice city. It's the main centre in Northern Tasmania and has lots of cultural, historical, sporting and natural attractions. Cataract Gorge was stunning, as were the Botanical Gardens.

The streets and parks of this hilly town are full of old trees and period houses. The Cascade Brewery is there too and they run tours.

Here are some pictures of Cataract Gorge.

Below are some pictures taken at the Launceston Botanical Gardens. The peacocks were beautiful.

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Devonport to Stanley

The first day was started early. The Spirit of Tasmania arrived in Devonport before 8am. We had breakfast at a small cafe near the dock, had a quick look around Devonport before driving west along the north coast of Tasmania to Stanley.

We passed through some lovely towns on the way and saw some beautiful rural scenes around Stanley. There is a chair-lift at Stanley that goes to the top of "The Nut", a 152 metre circular headland that overlooks the town. There's also a walking path to the top. From the top, you can see fantastic views of the surrounding country side, the sea and the town of Stanley.

Above are some shops in Stanley.

Above - chairlift to "The Nut".

After exploring Stanley, we headed out to see the surrounding countryside. These are some pictures of a farm with rustic bluestone buildings and some colonial ruins.

We took the car on the Spirit of Tasmania

It was an interesting experience to say the least. The cabins were tiny and hot, but it's only one night, so you can put up with it for the convenience of having your own car with you.

We boarded at Station Pier in Port Melbourne and waited on deck while the ship departed and made its way past Williamstown, where I was living at the time.

Then we had dinner in one of the restaurants on board. Very nice as I recall, but a word of warning. Do not eat too much if this is your first time at sea.

Settled in to the small and hot cabin to try to sleep.

Woke up early to get ready to disembark in Devonport.

Trip to Tasmania

This is an online record of my trip to Tasmania a couple of years ago. It will mainly be pictures and information about the places I visited.

I loved Tasmania when I was there and have wanted to go back ever since, but haven't yet.

It truely is Australia's most beautiful state with history and heritage, diverse landscapes and huge pockets of unspoilt wilderness.

The picture is of another ship at Station Pier in Melbourne.